Sphingidae of Argentina

Provincial Checklists

Adhemarius daphne, Yacutinga Private Reserve, Misiones Province,
(near border between Argentina and Brazil), September 2007,
courtesy of Ezequiel Osvaldo Núñez Bustos.

As of October 2007, this list has been confirmed by the L.O.L.A. publication Hawkmoths of Argentina, More, Kitching and Cocucci, 2005.

Many thanks to Ezequiel Nunez Bustos for his data and beautiful images. Nigel Venters, Fernando Penco, Oz Rittner and Dr. Carlos Marzano have also supplied much data and many images.

Below the checklist for Argentina are links to checklists for the individual provinces.

Over the years Ezequiel Osvaldo Núñez Bustos has sent me many published updates of his research into the distribution of Sphingidae in Argentina. Many thanks for his sharing and tireless work.


Agrius cingulata EB
Amph. walkeri*
Cocy. antaeus EB
Cocy. duponchel EB
Cocy. lucifer EB
Eur. guttiventris EB
Mand. albiplaga*
Mand. armatipes NV
M.. bergamatipes NV
Mand. bergi FP
Mand. contracta EB
M. diff. diffissa EB
M. diff. mesosa EB
M. diff. petuniae IK
Mand. florestan EB
M. fosteri EB
M. han. hamilcar EB
M. jordani EB
M. lefeburei EB
M. leucospila EB
Mand. lichenea*
M. manducoides*
M. rustica EB
M. scutata EB
M.. sexta paphus OR
M.. sexta saliensis NV
M. stuarti EB
Mand. tucumana FP
M. undata EB
Neoc. cluentius *
Neog. albescens *
Neog. carrerasi EB
Neog. reevei FP
Sph. aurigutta EB
Sph. justiciae EB
Sphinx maura CM
Sph. phalerata FP


Adhem. daphne OR
Ad. gannascus EB
Adhem. palmeri EB
Ore. acuminata *
Ore. lycidas eos*
Pro. astygonus EB
Pro. s. strigilis*


Aell. ceculus EB
Aell. clavipes EB
Aell. fadus*
A. tantalus tantalus*
Aell. titan titan*
Al. chloroptera EB
Al. neglectum EB
C. gri. grisescens CM
Call. inuus EB
Call. nomius EB
Call. parce EB
Enyo gorgon EB
Enyo lug. lugubris *
Enyo ocypete EB
Erinnyis alope EB
Erinnyis crameri *
Er. domingonis*
Erinnyis ello OR
Er. impunctata EB
Er. lassauxi *
Er. obscura EB
Er. oenotrus NV
Eupyrrh. sagra EB
Hem. longistriga EB
H. triptolemus*
Isog. caricae EB
Isog. leachi EB
Isog. menechus EB
Mad. bubastus EB
Madoryx oiclus EB
Mad. plutonius EB
Nyceryx alophus EB
Nyc. continua EB
N. c. cratera EB
Nyc. nictitans EB
Nyc. furtadoi WO?
N. hyposticta EB
Nyc. riscus EB
Pachylia ficus*
Pachyl. s. syces *
Pach. resumens OR
Perigonia ilus EB
Perig. pallida EB
Perig. passerina
Perig stulta EB
Phryxus caicus OR
Pseudo. tetrio *
Un. j. descrepans EB


Eum. analis VV?
Eum. anchemolus*
Eum. capronnieri EB
Eumorpha cissi VV?
Eumorpha fasciatus*
Eum. labruscae EB
Eum. neuburgeri FP
Eum. triangulum EB
Eumorpha vitis EB


Hyles annei EB
H. euphorbiarum NV
Hyles lineata DRL
Xylophanes anubus*
X. ceratomioides OR
X. chiron nechus OR
X. crotonis VV?
Xylophanes docilis *
X. epaphus EB
Xylophanes fosteri EB
Xylophanes isaon EB
Xylophanes loelia EB
X. marginalis EB
X. nabuchodonosor EB
Xyl. pistacina EB
Xylophanes pluto EB
Xylophanes porcus EB
Xylophanes resta EB
X. schreiteri NV
Xylophanes t. tersa EB
Xylophanes thyelia EB
Xylophanes titana EB
X. tyndarus EB

San Juan
Santiago del Estero

Entre Rios
Buenos Aires

La Rioja
Santa Fe
San Luis
La Pampa
Rio Negro
Santa Cruz
Tierra del Fuego

Nyceryx riscus, Yacutinga, Misiones, Argentina,
February 2008, courtesy/copyright Ezequiel Bustos.

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Species from Valverde 1999 not in book
Eumorpha analis
Eumorpha cissi
Xylophanes crotonis

Enjoy some of nature's wonderments, giant silk moth cocoons. These cocoons are for sale winter and fall. Beautiful Saturniidae moths will emerge the following spring and summer. Read Actias luna rearing article. Additional online help available.

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